With Liquidity at a premium, asset-based lending is no longer considered a last resort option in commercial financing. The recognition of this type of secured lending as a viable, trusted product with its ability to weather changing economic conditions, has made Asset Based lending a new tool for small Business owners. There are many choices when it comes to growth financing and even non-bank lending alternatives. However, asset based lending is the only form of financing that gives companies both greater liquidity and flexibility, than is available from a traditional commercial bank loan.
At Capital Direct, we certainly understand that businesses that grow too fast, and don’t always have great cash flow. This is why we have tested and work closely with lenders that can underwrite these asset based loans primarily on collateral and not just on an entities recent cash flow statement. We provide a viable bridge to future profitability, extending a lifeline to companies whom traditional banks may not be comfortable approving a loan. The result is a powerful form of small-business financing that works, regardless of the economic cycle, for fast-growing, under capitalized middle-market companies.
Typical asset based transactions:
- Companies with revenue between $3 million and $50 million
- Have Working Capital needs of between $250,000 to $5 million
- Lendable Assets include, but not limited to Accounts Receivable, Raw or Finished Inventory and Machinery & Equipment
- Manufacturing, service and distribution businesses in all sectors are acceptable lenders in order to maximize our potential for success. Project Size: Capital Direct has the affiliate resources to fund deals of any size, from $500k to $100+ Million.